I never have been religious type of person and I never hold nothing against any religion.
However, one thing I am gonna say, whatever you want to believe in - BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.
Our world is made to keep you busy, exhausted and blind.
Because everything is made for you to not know the TRUTH.
To keep you away from the real purpose of human.
To keep you as a slave as long as possible.
Everything is made for you to play the "Bread and games".
Everything is made to keep you entertained.
Human is made to grow.
Human is made to rise in consciousness.
Human is made to connect and balance BODY, MIND AND SOUL.
Even now in the spiritual scene there are so many confused people who thinks that they are doing the "light work", however they have been trapped in the same loop as the material scene. So called "light workers" are just the same "light slaves".
I have been a "light slave" myself.
I thought that if I will heal my inner child, inner wounds, generational traumas, father wound, mother wound, curses, demons and so on, then I could finally be free.
Little that I knew, healing everything that and more, brought me back where I started.. just to realise that I was on the loop all along and concentrated on the PAST.
The real way to your soul path leads only in the PRESENT MOMENT.
It does not really matter how many traumas you heal if you are not able to be in the moment. Sure, it can help, I cannot denied it, however, it is NOT the goal.
The goal is to have the courage to sit in the chaos peacefully with your "demons'.
We all have them.
But remember - those "demons" is nothing more, but your own thoughts, beliefs and programs.
Because there are no GOD or DEVIL outside.
There is only YOU who creates everything.
You create everything what happens to you.
You manifest every single moment of your life.
You create "bad experiences" with your fear, anger and negative thinking programming.
You create "good experiences" with love, joy and positive thinking programming.
So, there is no one to blame outside for your life, just your programming.
Step out of victim role, stop blaming others for your own programming.
Take back control of your life by taking responsibility.
You can achieve everything you want when you finally will start living the TRUTH.
You are the GOD.
Start acting like that.
